Where is affiliate marketing headed?

The List Nerds relaunch has got me excited about affiliate marketing again. There’s a bunch of reasons why the most notable being the potential revolution in the way affiliate marketing is done in the Make Money Online Niche.
Right now Traffic Exchanges and List Mailers make up a small niche within a niche of the make money online market. Many “elite” affiliate marketers turn their noses up at this submarket. I suspect that’s because they don’t understand it, in much the same way that I don’t really understand SEO. That’s OK. It is what it is. Each to their own.
But here’s the thing.
Many people are attracted to this submarket for its sheer simplicity.
Of course, there are tips and tricks to help make you more successful, but the concept of this niche is really simple.
The problem always has been that you can’t go from zero to net marketing hero in the space of a week. It takes time and requires patience consistency and a fair degree of stubborn determination.
We live in an age where patience does not exist, consistency is forgotten and determination seems to be sadly lacking in a large percentage of the population. Now is too late for many.
Encouraging people to stick at it
I can recall almost a decade ago, having a conversation with a then very prominent TE owner. He told me in no uncertain terms that the industry was doomed. He rolled off a heap of numbers that told a pretty sorry tale. This industry won’t lie down though. People moved to reengage their audience. Gamification became a key concept. Things began to look promising and then, Paypal flicked a switch and threw a bomb into the middle of the industry.
I thought it was over. I didn’t count on Cryptocurrency.
Those that were adaptable and determined enough found a way to survive. the industry was shaken to its core but it survived. There must have been a lot of sleepless nights for many.
Strangely, crypto probably has more appeal to the make money online market than almost any other niche. Crypto breathed life into a market that hadn’t necessarily become stagnant but was probably treading water.
No one really saw the possibilities or implications of this until the Click Track Profit reemerged in its current guise.
Now, CTPs championing of Crypto and Hive in particular appears set to launch us into a new and exciting age.
Is List Nerds the beginning of something huge?
If you spend a little time analysing the marketplace, you’ll find that program owners are constantly looking for ways to get their audience to stick. A case in point is Marti Petrizza’s latest offering Website Traffic Games – a mailer with a simple Hog Drop game embedded within it. According to Marti’s newsletters, the Hog Drop game is the forerunner to something much bigger along the lines of Viral Traffic Games. That’s interesting.
Viral Traffic Games is one engagement game. The Food Game is another.
So, I look at these games and I wonder. Then I hear the CTP people talking about a game on Hive called Splinterlands which is generating serious money for participants and I wonders some more.
List Nerds is going to change the way people think about this sub-niche. Once you fully understand how everybody can be a winner with blockchain, this market could literally explode.
The first thing you can expect to happen is that there will be copycats. It will take a while, but they’ll come.
After that, who knows. I know that the Warrior Forum was releasing products telling you how to make between $60 and $100 per day using Steem about four years ago. Expect them to be all over List Nerds. better still build your own product before the big guys get a sniff.
And that still leaves gamification.
I don’t know where this ends, but it doesn’t end with List Nerds.
If I were you, I’d be joining List Nerds through CTP today and I’d be keeping my ear to the ground.