Why bother with Click Track Profit, List Nerds or even Hive for that matter?
If you’re doing so well as a freelance writer, why are you spending time with CTP and all that stuff? It’s a question I’ve been asked fairly frequently and one I’ve sort of fudged quite a bit.
I like writing. It’s as easy as falling off a log for me. It’s a process that feels entirely natural and allows me to communicate more openly than I ever do by mouth. Freelance writing is cool, but at times it can be mind-numbingly boring. Imagine for a second getting an assignment that asks you to write 500 words on the benefits of gluten-free flour and then being asked to write another 500 words on white gluten-free flour. Both articles must be original and pass Copyscape. It isn’t exactly the stuff that Stephen King dreams of, but it pays the bills. Not all assignments are like that, but enough are for me to know that I simply can’t do this forever.
But I do like writing. I’ve run a personal blog for years. It isn’t very focused. I write about whatever I want to, whenever I want to. You might say that it is a form of therapy. I gave up on Adsense years ago. Ditto, CPA offers. I’m not focused enough to run a Patreon account with any real success. I’m all over the shop really.
Hive has been on my radar for at least three years. There was a brief time when its forerunner, Steemit, was rewarding me quite nicely. Steemit had some issues. Many of the writers that I had made connections with drifted away. I held on to the new Hive but wasn’t really sure where it was going to fit in my plans.
Around the same time, the great Paypal train wreck was wreaking havoc in affiliate marketing circles. That’s when I started to notice what Click Track Profit was doing with Hive. I was entranced and fascinated. @jongolson was so enthusiastic and so evangelical about what Hive could do, that he caused me to investigate further. I am indebted to him for that.
Now I can see the big picture.
My involvement in HIve and by extension CTP and List Nerds is not for the now. I’m happy to stake everything I earn through Hive and let it grow. the articles I write on my personal blog are syndicated through Hive. They earn a little. these articles at BFZ do the same. I’m not interested in how much, I’m interested in the long term growth. I want other people to see this and I have no hesitation in putting CTP and List Nerds front and centre in my now renewed marketing endeavours.
It’s exciting, it’s new and the world is full of possibilities.
Now, if that Hive ENgine would play nice and process my swap for List Nerds tokens, I’d be real happy.
Want to know more about Hive?
Want to know about Click Track Profit
Want to know more about List Nerds?
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About The Author
Mark Hodgetts is a freelance writer, veteran online marketer and failed musician. Many years ago woke up and found that he'd become a Bank Manager. It wasn't the life he'd planned. With fingers and toes crossed, he jumped ship and started a new life working from home. Despite a few stumbles, he has never regretted the decision.