Dealing with curveballs and setting priorities or why I’ve been so quiet lately

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at you in the strangest ways. Setting goals around running your own business is easy. Sticking to them is not necessarily so.

There’s been a lot of curve balls thrown at me lately and I have to admit that they’ve put me on the back foot. Some of it is my own doing and some of it has come out of the blue. I went into the Australian winter knowing that my day-to-day online business activities would drop off. There were a couple of large projects that needed my attention and I fully expected to lose a couple of weeks.

Those weeks have turned into months and I have no one to blame but myself for that.

The truth is that I have gotten a little lost trying to build a membership site that over-delivers and is significantly different to other sites in the marketplace. Those masterplans looked great on paper but they’ve taken longer than expected to bring to fruition. About a month ago, I had to have a rather brutal conversation with myself and delete a lot of the proposed content and rewrite a lot of stuff to make everything simpler and more coherent.

It hasn’t been a pleasant task and if I’m going to be totally honest, I’d become weighed down by some personal stuff and was feeling pretty unmotivated about the whole thing. I’d reached that point where it was too late to cut my losses but completion seemed eons away.

I’ve pushed on and the end is in sight. Maybe I am still two to three weeks away, but at least now I can see an end date. The site will not be all that I originally envisaged, I, do, however, believe that the finished product will deliver outstanding value and be more than your typical 30- 50 page report with an option to rebrand.

There are a couple of things that I keep shouting from the rooftops and they all have a place in the forthcoming site. I am starting to feel the first pangs of excited anticipation and can’t wait to share it all with you. I’m really looking forward to your feedback and can’t wait to share it with you

Photo by Brett Jordan:


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