The Unexpected CTPX Bonus
In a previous post, I recommended that people check out CTPX. In that post, I mentioned that the site has realigned a tired old concept of traffic exchanges and repositioned the concept back to somewhere close to what the concept was originally intended to be.
I like that. It changes the way an advertiser might choose to use a site like CTPX, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many advertisers are adopting new strategies to use CTPX.
This is undoubtedly because CTPX can act as a bridge between two very different communities – the Hive community and the traffic exchange community (which is a subsection of the wider internet marketing community). It’s an interesting connection and it will be worth seeing how it plays out over the next six months or so.
Perhaps because I hoped that this site would prove to be what it promised to be, I’ve spent a bit of time on there exploring other sites and promoting my own. I intentionally posted some non-marketing blog content on there to see how it would be received.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of traffic that CTPX is generating for me. I knew my traffic level would increase, but the risk with advertising anything other than a splash or a squeeze page on a TE is that the “bounce rate” of site traffic is likely to exponentially increase – and that’s something that the great Google God (I’m being deliberately facetious) frowns upon. Still, I thought it was worth the risk because I wanted to see what would happen. I know curiosity killed the cat, but I’m one of those people who a)likes to break rules and b) wants to have my what-if questions answered.
Imagine my surprise then, after about a week when I checked the site analytics on my main blog and the key metric of “time spent on site” had increased by over 100%. I thought, maybe it was an anomaly, but the metric has continued to grow. I am more than pleasantly surprised by this development and will be spending more time and money on CTPX in the coming weeks.
If you haven’t checked it out, it’s high time that you did .
Feature Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: