Why I won’t recommend Extraordinary Solos to you (for now)

If you’re in the list mailer business, no doubt you’ve been made aware that Marty Petrizza has launched a new site called extraordinary solos. All the heavy hitters are promoting it and offering some incentives to join and upgrade. Marty herself is banging the launch drum hard.
The site will probably be a success. Marty has a solid reputation and her sites generally deliver guaranteed levels of traffic. As I understand it Extraordinary solos will allow members to solo mail 12 of Marty’s sites, the regularity of solo mailing will vary according to the level of upgrade. As, I said, it will probably be a success.
But I can’t recommend the site to you on “probability.” I’ll leave that to the heavy hitters.
What I can tell you is this.
I have taken the lifetime upgrade options available in many of Marty’s sites and I’ve never been disappointed, but on the other hand, I’ve never been overwhelmed by response rates either. They consistently deliver traffic that is around the industry average for responsiveness.
My advice to you, if you’re considering joining, is to bare the following statistics in mind.
I have today compiled the list of top 10 mailers based on my tracking results for traffic delivered, click through rates, response rates (actions taken) and an overall response score
The results are as follows
Top 10 Mailers by click through rate in percentage terms
- Viral Mailer For You 10.52
- List Nerds 7.60
- List Surfing 5.43
- Free Advertising For You 5.34
- Website Traffic Hog 4.71
- Viral Nugget 4.66
- List Mailer Plus 4.08
- Adchiever 4.08
- List Jumper 3.83
- Advertising Emails Club 3.62
What stands ou to me is that Darren Olander has four sites in my Top 10 (3,6,8 &9), which is testament to the fact that Darren only allows mails to be sent to active members.
Marty has one site listed here – Website Traffic Hog, which remarkably is one of her oldest sites.
Top 10 Mailers by Traffic Delivered past 30 days
- Viral Mailer For You 1086
- List Surfing 1010
- Free Advertising For You 801
- Atlas Safelist 733
- Mr Safelist 547
- Website Traffic Games 515
- Adchiever 481
- World Traffic Mailer 470
- European Safelist 446
- Mailsy 440
All of these sites I am upgraded in.
Marty has one website in my top 10 (Website Traffic Games)
Top 10 Mailers by actions recorded
I use Leads Leap to track actions on my advertisiements. Mostly these are opt -ins or sign ups. Occasionally , it may be a click through. I find these results to be quite enlightening
- European Safelist 20 actions per 100 clicks (yes really)
- Viral Mailer For You 18
- Free Advertising For You 16
- List Surfing 13
- Free Business Builder 10
- Fast List Mailer 8
- Mr Safelist 7
- Elite Downline BUilder 6
- Mailsy 5
- State of the Art Mailer 4
Top 12 Overall response Score
I allocate each mailer a reponse score based upon click through and response rates. I’ve listed 12 here, because I believe that two of the mailers (Elite Downline Builder and List Nerds) have a comparitively low sample size which may or may not inflate their overall score.
- VMFY 17.59
- Free Advertising For You 10.66
- List Surfing 6.99
- Fast List Mailer 6.34
- Viral Nugget 5.85
- List Nerds 5.65
- Elite Downline Builder 3.98
- Adchiever 3.94
- Advertising Emails Club 2.97
- List Jumper 2,18
- List Joe 2.14
- SOTAM 2.00
The best performing mailer of the Marty Petrizza mailing stable in overall response score is Website Traffic Hog in fourteenth place.
What is a response score?
The mailer response score is calculated by multiplying the action rate by the click through rate, An example would be where a mailer has a click through rate of 10% and an action score of 10 (10 actions per 100 views) this wouuld quate to a score of 100. That score of 100 would equal 100 actions per 10000 mails sent. This score will be tweaked in coming days to reflect a dollar cost per action.
What’s the Bottom Line?
Of the sites that I track, Marty’s mailers average click through rates of 1.19, .45 actions per 100 views and an overall response score of .53.
These scores compare to average scores across all mailers tracked of click through rates .76, 1.03 actions per 100 views and overall response scores of .7971.
Marty’s sites deliver traffic, no question, but in terms of actions taken per 100 page views, they don’t set the world on fire.
My recommendation to you is to join Extraordinary Solos only after you’ve joined all of the sites i’ve listed above – you’re likely to get better bang for your buck there.
I’m happy to eat humble pie. When I join Extraordinary Solos (which I will in my good time, I’ll be sure to let you know if they deliver better than expected results.

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About The Author
Mark Hodgetts is a freelance writer, veteran online marketer and failed musician. Many years ago woke up and found that he'd become a Bank Manager. It wasn't the life he'd planned. With fingers and toes crossed, he jumped ship and started a new life working from home. Despite a few stumbles, he has never regretted the decision.
Hi I agree with you on your 2 top mailers on overall comment
In my opinion FA4U is may be the best but
Is far a way second these 2 site almost guarantee results with every post.
By the way good to see you back on line
Hi ERnie. It’s good to be back. I agree with Easy Traffic Builder. I’m still working on getting it into my routine, but early results are promising.
Nic eto hear from you.