Review David Hurley’s Traffic Exchange Success Secrets

What Is It
At the heart of Traffic Exchange Success Secrets is a comprehensive report on the effective use of traffic exchanges. The report is 25 pages long, has no fluff, and is well-written. Its contents list gives you an idea of what it covers.
● Introduction
● The WRONG Way To Use Traffic Exchanges
● Benefits Of Learning How To Use Traffic Exchanges Effectively
● What Is The Most Effective Way To Use Traffic Exchanges?
● The Indirect Way To Build Your Business With Traffic Exchanges
● The Golden Rule Of traffic exchange Success = ON/OFF
● Use A Lead-Capture Page On Traffic Exchanges
● Use Leadsleap To Create And Host Lead Capture Pages
● The Follow-Up
● What Is A Funded Proposal?
● Winning Trust With Free Advice
● What Are The Best Sources Of Free Traffic To Recommend?
● Caveat Emptor
● A Storm Of Traffic For Zero Out Of Pocket Expense!
● Set Up Your Funded Proposal
● Traffic Blaster Pro
● Review: What We’ve Learnt About Using Traffic Exchanges
● The Virtuous Circle
● Your Main Focus = Build Your List
● Recommended Traffic Exchanges And Resources
● Rebrand And Clone
As you can see, the report allows the reader to rebrand the report AND clone David’s well-designed sales funnel. When you choose to do so, you will receive the following -:
Everything will be rebranded with your affiliate links:
- The ebook rebranded with your affiliate links
- Lead Capture Page
- Email follow-up letters rebranded with your affiliate links
- Rebrander Page with your affiliate IDs as the default IDs
- 100% Resale rights!
- Sales page with your preferred payment processors
- Everything is set up for you on your Pro Leadsleap account.
What Does It Cost?
The report itself can be obtained free by opting into the Traffic Exchange Secrets subscriber list. Subscribers to Bull Free Zone and associated lists should have already received a copy. If you have not done so, here is the link to do so.
The rebrand and funnel setup cost is a one-time fee of $37. This entitles you to full rebrand rights – just one sale of the eBook, which will have paid for itself.
Benefits of Rebranding Traffic Exchange Secrets
I love re-brandable reports. They give me the opportunity to provide quality information containing my affiliate links. In this case, the report contains affiliate links to some of the very best traffic exchanges and associated products on the market. Every time someone reads the report, they are reading a report that recommends the use of these products. A rebranded report is a passive means of advertising multiple related affiliate links in an organised fashion.
One of the drawbacks of these reports has always been that most people don’t know how to set up a funnel to promote the report effectively. Traffic Exchange Secrets solves this problem by not only providing rebrand and resale rights to the eBook but also by providing a complete sales funnel that is set up for you.
Adding this product to your marketing arsenal will give you an additional income stream.
Mitigating Potential Drawbacks (There’s always a drawback)
David has made the best possible use of the marketing powerhouse Leads Leap, drawing on features such as PDF rebranding, list management, PDF storage, page design, and even the little-known Personal Assistant function.
In order to use this funnel as designed, you will need a Pro Leads Leap account. Some people may baulk at that, but frankly, I see Pro membership at Leads Leap as a must-have for its complete suite of tools AND the massive amount of traffic that it delivers Pro members on a monthly basis. I understand that some people with list management tools elsewhere will see this as a drawback. On the other hand, it does open up another potential income stream, paying 50% commissions. It’s a swings and roundabouts type scenario.
The seller will set up the funnel when you purchase the Resale package. This may take as long as 72 hours. Having taken a look at what is involved, I believe that an experienced user of Leads Leap could have the whole thing set up in about an hour but allow 72 hours for availability. This functionality can be intimidating to someone who may not have the experience that someone like me has. Rest assured that David has laid out the process for you step by step. He also offers a done-for-you service that would cost $17 per sale, which isn’t too bad. My advice is to do it yourself regardless of experience. This will give you new skills and a greater appreciation of the latent potential contained within Leads Leap.
Finally, this is something to consider carefully. The sales page currently lists PayPal as a purchase option, but I’d avoid using that because I simply don’t trust PayPal enough (I’m considering removing the option from my sales page) I have raised this with David, and he appears confident that as he is offering Resale and Rebrand rights rather than a program paying commission, he is complying with their labyrinthine terms and conditions. The choice is yours, but there are a raft of other payment processors and Crypto options that work just as well
I strongly recommend purchasing this product’s rebrand and resale rights for the following reasons.
- A detailed report that offers genuine solutions to advertisers using traffic exchanges
- A well-thought-out and designed sales funnel with multiple sales points and affiliate links
- One sale and it pays for itself
- Helps to build your subscriber list
- Makes full use of the Leads Leap advertising platform
Purchasers of Traffic Exchange Secrets will also receive rebrand rights to my short 5-page PDF report “Champagne Marketing on Beer Budgets,” which contains affiliate links to Free Advertising For You, Viral Mailer For You, European Safelist Herculist, Mr Safelist, and Mailer Gold

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About The Author
Mark Hodgetts is a freelance writer, veteran online marketer and failed musician. Many years ago woke up and found that he'd become a Bank Manager. It wasn't the life he'd planned. With fingers and toes crossed, he jumped ship and started a new life working from home. Despite a few stumbles, he has never regretted the decision.