Promo Codes
Promo codes are a great way to get an extra injection of traffic.
My advice when sourcing these is to use them judiciously and not get caught up in the excitement of accessing all that free traffic.
Whenever you find a promo code site, look for the sites that you’re already a member of first and to make use of those. Then, as time and circumstances permit gradually join the other sights and use the promos as you go.
The following sites are a great source of promo codes. I’ve listed them in the order I rank them. That’s just my opinion and probably reflects which sites I value the most.
Free Business Builder
This is an advertising site that offers outstanding value. Its list of promo codes has to be seen to be believed. Watch out for the OTO which offers bonus advertising on the site’s sister sites Digiproducts, Reality network and Target Profits.
Regardless of your feeling on the OTO, sign up and check out the promocodes on offer. There’s sure to be something to your liking.
Viral Mailer Downlines
This is a pretty straight forward site run by Leigh Ann Little. It’s a simple downline builder, listing some of the most powerful mailers in the business.
Free Advertising For You
There’s a strong argument to say that this should be higher on the list. The only reason it isn’t is that most people already know about it. Promo codes are made available weekly to active members.
World Profit
Offer 50,000 visitors to the website of your choice. The traffic won’t come in a flood, but it will come. World Profit is a deceptive site and could do with a bit of a makeover, but its principles are pretty solid.
From there it’s a bit of a Hodge Podge.
Darren Olander gives monthly promo codes on all his main sites. If you are a member of List Surfing, Adchiever, Viral Nugget, List Jumper and a couple of others, you’ll get an email from Darren every month alerting you to the new code.
Darren also runs a promo site called Viral Codex. It’s a brilliant idea. The site hasn’t been maintained for a while. Some of the sites no longer exist and many of the promo codes don’t work. I wouldn’t bother joining. But if you’re looking for credits for a site, you can always pay them a visit and see if there’s a working code on offer.
I’ve posted some links here
Marci Fritz -Jones offers a suite of bonus traffic packages at her sites and upgraded members will be swamped with traffic on all sites. I’ve included Viral Commissions here, it will lead to the others.
Marci also runs Profitable Mailers which also offers some promo codes to Pro members
From there we move into paid services, although my Traffic Promos is free to join.