Stack the odds before you roll the dice.
Every affiliate marketer needs to advertise. Too many marketers get hung up on the where. In my opinion, not enough attention is given to the...
Spotlight on Elite Downline Builder
I’ve been poking around David Hurley’s Elite Downline Builder for a couple of weeks now. I’m seriously impressed. David has been around this business for...
Givers and Takers, Movers, Shakers and P Takers
I’ve been involved one way or another in the make money online business for so long that I can’t remember when I started. I got...
Are List Mailers Dying?
As an affiliate marketer, I’ve been using list mailers or safelists for many years. I’ve by and large got reasonable results from them for that...
The victimless marketing plan
In my last post, I elaborated on what Stop Being a Victim meant. It’s about time I laid out exactly what path I believe in...
What Does Stop Being a Victim Even Mean?
For the past two to three years I’ve been “running” an ad campaign with the headline “Stop Being a Victim” I’m not the first to...
List Nerds Relaunch Can Change List Mailing & Affiliate Marketing For the Better
There’s a growing buzz starting to circulate around the relaunch of List Nerds, the list mailing platform launched by what was then Timtech in what...