Stop Being a Victim

It's time to Stop Being A Victim

Solve the traffic riddle by building advertising muscle and getting paid to do it



Once you get involved in online marketing, you realise rather quickly that you’re going to have invest a lot of time and/or money in attracting visitors to your website.


This creates a huge dilemma for most online marketers. Put simply it’s this. How much money and or time are you prepared to spend to make money?


The options boil down to these



    Pay Per Click

    Social Media

    The purchase of solo advertisements

    Various incentivised Internet Marketing Channels like traffic exchanges, ad boards, safelists, text ad exchanges, banner exchanges and other variations thereof.

While there are advocates for each channel, the truth is that -:

   SEO in the online marketing niche is massively competitive and unless you’re prepared to pay an advertising agency, you will find it very labour intensive, confusing and ultimately frustrating.

      Pay Per click keyword prices on Google and social media channels like Facebook are prohibitive (Frankly I’d rather burn $20 notes)

      Some people love social media. Some people find it toxic, confusing and ultimately incredibly narcissistic. Gaining a foothold in any social media stream is massively time consuming.

      While solo advertisements can be effective, the cost blow out significantly unless you have a well-planned campaign that converts traffic into subscribers and buyers

Internet marketing advertising channels can be labour intensive if you become addicted to the “free advertising” available through all these channels. While there are many incentivised advertising sites like Traffic Exchanges and Safelists that offer the opportunity to generate traffic for free, they are labour intensive and time consuming. Time is money, and it is nigh on impossible to build an online business by clicking for ad credits.  It is too labour intensive to generate sufficient traffic to generate meaningful results.


And yet incentivised traffic via Safelist, List Mailers, Traffic Exchanges and Text Ad Exchanges remains a viable form of traffic and lead generation. The most cost-effective way to tap into these traffic sources is to purchase some upgrade privileges. The key is to find the traffic sites that offer the best return on investment.

Ideally, an advertising site should offer

valuable traffic packages at relatively little cost

a level of responsiveness

an affiliate program that allows you to recoup and perhaps profit from your initial outlay.

Why a good affiliate program is crucial


Incentivised traffic programs offer a crucial advantage to online marketers by offering affiliate programs that offer good commission structures that make it possible to get paid to advertise on their programs.


A Pro membership at Free Advertising For You, for example earns 35% commission (Diamond membership earns more) on sales. Regular coordinated promotion of this site allows you to initially offset your advertising costs and in time, earn more than the advertising cost

While there are some excellent advertising sites that offer great advantages of upgrading for a regular monthly fee, there are a host of advertising sites that offer substantial advertising package for a one- time fee.

Most of these are Text Ad Exchanges while there are a few List Mailers offering bargain upgrades as well.

Text Ad Exchanges seem to work very well on two fronts – they deliver substantial traffic via their text and banner advertising and their Solo Mailings tend to get higher click through rates than regular mailers – probably because there aren't as many emails.

I've enjoyed some very responsive traffic from Text Ad Exchanges and I've also made some nice one off commission payments recommending them.

The best of these, is a Jason Wise’s site called
Free Advertising For You.  The site has around 2000 active members and my solo mailings have consistently delivered in excess of 100 visitors as this screenshot on the 11th October shows. I find that traffic from a solo ad here accumulates over a full week, with most visitors in the first 48 hours.




With a range of valuable upgrades, consistent rewards for activity and generous commission structures, this site in my opinion is a must join and a must upgrade in.


When you combine Free Advertising For You with its sister site Viral Mailer For You, you’re going to enjoy multiple traffic sources (solo ads, block ads, banner ads, text ads and feature ads all get multiple click throughs and generate actions and opt-ins) as well as benefit from a serious of bonus program codes and even cash prizes.


The results from these two Text AD Exchanges have caused me to re-look at Text AD Exchanges in general and I like what I've found.

Some of the better ones include


    Easy Traffic Builder. This site in many ways has been modelled on Free Advertising For You. A variety of advertising options are tradeable for advertising credits. Credits are relatively easy to earn, and upgrade options are affordable.

    My Viral Ad Traffic from Ron Holcombe this is flying below the radar a little, and currently has around 1200 members.  It is delivering 10% click through rates on solo mails. This site hovers around the edges of Traffic Hoopla rankings and gains new members regularly. Click through rate 4.22% (not bad)

    150 Mailer and 100 Percent Clicks from Frank Salinas, both offer responsive membership bases and attractive affiliate programs

    Pro Advertising Club. One of the Internet’s not so secret hidden gems. This site currently has 1682 members and runs along very similar lines to Free Advertising For You. It is one of the very first sites listed in the Diamond Bonus area at Viral Mailer For You


Many of the above mentioned sites have Promo Codes available at the third “For You” site called Free Promo Codes For You. Be sure to take advantage of these  as well.

The great thing about all these sites is that they pay substantial commissions to upgraded members.  How much depends upon the level of upgrade you take but there are some great offers out there.

That’s all very well, but how can you leverage the advertising power of and the potential commissions from these advertising sites without compromising your primary business?

So here’s where the rubber hits the road.

You can rebrand this report so that it contains your affiliate links and then share the report with your leads, subscribers and followers.


The benefits of doing this are -:

 You won’t compromise your primary business

 You are sharing valuable advertising resources with others

 You will build traffic downlines in multiple traffic sites

 You can potentially earn multiple affiliate commissions off the one report




Have a great day

Mark Hodgetts


JUST $47


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